Empowering Security Officers —What’s the Real Solution?
Exploring the debate on whether amending legislation can provide a viable solution to the behavioural challenges faced by security officers. As incidents of violence against security personnel rise, discussions have emerged around granting them more authority, tactical tools, and harsher penalties for offenders. However, the article argues that improving training and focusing on offender-based legislation may offer a more effective approach.
The Pillars of Control
Conflict is an inevitable part of life, often arising when we least expect it. Understanding the dynamics of control through the Three Pillars—Power, Strength, and Skill—can empower you to navigate conflicts effectively. While power and strength can seem overwhelming, skill is the key to turning the tide in your favor. By recognizing the tactics being used against you and responding with the right strategies, you can regain control and guide the outcome toward a positive resolution.
Combat Arts & Safety
Discover why combat skills don't ensure personal safety. The key to personal safety is situational awareness and identifying potential threats.
From Conflict to Calm.
Industry expert insights on conflict resolution in the workplace with First Contact's founder. Learn practical strategies, including early detection and effective management. Explore resolution options in real scenarios and enhance your skills with our Conflict Management course. Elevate your conflict resolution capabilities.
Safeguarding New Zealand; The Vital Role of Security Officers
First Contact's perspective on how a range of security services help shape the reputation of Aotearoa New Zealand today, and how vital security officers are in ensuring safety and protection within the community