Securing Trust through Unwavering Values:
Discover Our Commitment to Excellence and Integrity
Haumaru - Safety
We acknowledge the security industry carries inherent safety risks; However, the safety of our people is paramount. Exposure to abuse and or harm is unacceptable. We are committed to ensuring all of our people receive ongoing whakangungu (training) to build their confidence by having the right skills to manage their deployed environments safely and professionally.
Whakangungu - Training
The absence of knowledge results in guesswork.
First Contact has an entrenched training ethos spanning over two decades. Over a decade before the government set basic training requirements, we were putting every team member through to their Level Three, National Certificate in Security. Delivered in-house by our qualified instructors. Where specialised courses did not exist, we developed them.
The presence of knowledge results in safety and professionalism.
Manaakitanga - Respect, Generosity and Care
The ongoing development of our people regardless of the duration of employment or background is an underpinning value of First Contact. We believe that by developing the person, raising their mana through supportive education, inclusiveness, and exploring opportunities, our people strengthen their self-belief and self-value, changing how they contribute at work, at home, and in the community.
Te Tiriti o Waitangi
First Contact is committed to Te Tiriti o Waitangi and the principles that underpin it;
Partnership, Protection, Participation.
We express its participation in respecting our country’s founding document through equitable employment, inclusive and supportive training, development and career opportunities. The introduction of Te Reo Māori into daily operations and striving to understand and respect the principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi are values that First Contact are committed to.